Challenge: Final Fantasy X End Game + 2 Bonus Posts, lol..

Original post: 26/4/17

So…. FFX was my fave game growing up as a kid. I’m a 90’s baby who’s first console was the PS2. When I played it as a kid, it blew my mind. I firmly believe that this is what shaped my religious views and I haven’t looked back. Anyways, the remaster came out a few years ago and I bought to have it and eventually I knew, I’d play through it all again. But I played a lot of Xillia in that time instead. And last year, I spent the summer getting through the Mass Effect trilogy. More than once. I got through most of FFX’s story through the fall and winter but then FFXV came out and y’all know about that…


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Mini-guide: Xillia 2’s Pluto

Disclaimer: I wrote this 2 years ago and originally wanted it contributed to a much fuller guide. Since it still hasn’t seen the light of day, here it is:

This is tough @_@. Golden Mage Knight got nothing on Pluto and Eternity ;_;
Anyways, I like to play as Milla so I select her for the playable character. However, that shouldn’t change the strategy I will tell in a moment. If you play multiplayer, I wouldn’t suggest having more than 2 people on this fight so that you can take advantage of linked combat. Maybe you can take turns if you have a non-AI party of 2+.

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